Crono Doctor

The Cheap NFL Jerseys Quiro personage, son of the Crono god wholesale jerseys and Flira (that possua horse form), was born with double nature: equine cheap ray bans and human being. He was a surgeon who wise person to very understand well the pain of its patients for being a wounded doctor. Scholar, teaches music, the art of the war and the hunting, the moral, but above all the medicine. In a Quiro war accidentally he was wounded by a poisoned arrow. Centauro applied ungentos on the wound, but this incurable age. It desired a death, but nor this obtained, therefore it is born immortal. Finally, Prometheus, who is born mortal, yielded the right oakley outlet to it to the death and centauro can then rest.

It is counted that Quiro went up to the sky under the form of the sagitrio constellation, a time that it shoots an arrow said in Latin, sagitta. Comparing arqutipo of the professor with the one of the wounded custodian, centauro represents it to Quiro. It as educator and disseminator to know of the great heroes. Thus it is at the same time, doctor and professor. What he seems, the doctor and the professor share of the same luck: to be seen as almost mitolgicos beings, benfazejos geniuses as it was Quiro, but almost without the possibility to be human (it would cheap football jerseys china not be the reason of the low paid wages to the professors in the majority of the countries here? Also the в desire of the death of Quiro would not be the same desire of the professors for its depreciation).

The doctor as well as Ssifo, ludibria the death. Already the professor practises the diffusion of the civilization, widening, in each pupil, the borders of the conscience. Others two myths, a known good, of Adam and Eva: the myth describes the birth of the conscience as a crime that alienates the man of God and its original daily pay-conscientious unit.