HOUSING According to preliminary results from the 2000 census, were found in the town built 123,544 homes, with an average of 3.68 occupants per dwelling, most are specific and fixed type, materials used for construction are mainly cement, brick , brick, block, wood, sheet.As also used materials indigenous to the region. EDUCATION The colleges of the city best known are: (order by number of students) Universidad Veracruzana. Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz. Columbus University. Ecole Normale Superieure. Naval Aviation School. Upgrade Center for Teachers. Veracruz Merchant Marine Academy. Customs Processing Institute ITAG Gulf. HEALTH The municipal public health centers are: 46 of the Ministry of Health, 4 IMSS, ISSSTE 4, 1 of the Red Cross, 2 of the Secretariat of National Defense, 1 PEMEX and 2 of the Secretariat of the Navy. The municipality has provided outpatient services, inpatient and specialty and some private health facilities are very important in the municipality.