New Leadership

The statement set out in this article, has been delivered by Editions new Executive and is composed of one chapter of the last book of the management H. Dubric writer, entitled The fifth system and the management effective. It is the second book that is made of questions and answers of the writer, who has proposed something never seen in issues management. The fifth managerial system, developed by H. Dubric is the only one capable of developing genuine strategic VISION to confront the CRISIS and overcome the major challenges that we are missing by transit. Questions and answers of H. DUBRIC ‘New’ leadership vs. authentic new man 1) all which dictate seminars, they get the same question leaders born or made? And many do not feel satisfied with the answers, which unleashes an endless discussion.

What do you think? Oh God, I am opposed to tirades, conflict or controversy. It is clear, that the thesis that we have proposed for the fifth managerial system of free initiative, is on the front sidewalk to everything that exists on the planet, and it does not resemble any prefabricated concept of the moment, and it is evident that not some like to repeat it, but so. We’ve never partnered us with foreign concepts, or with nothing of what exists in the managerial field in Venezuela. The fifth managerial system of the free initiative is very revolutionary, mathematician in his development and demanding in the experience. Therefore, who does not know something of the natural law, and the laws that he handled, it is far from understanding that he is the authentic leadership. Without fear of making mistakes I I will say them, that the authentic leadership is not born, but has to be achieved within each human individuality, through voluntary suffering and terrible super-esfuerzos. Intellectual jugglers today’s walk all lost in their anodyne mixtures.

Food Industry

In this sense, the economist noted that “while we review the indicators we see, for example, that the unemployment rate is one of the lowest worldwide, which means that we are approaching full employment.” “You can verify that the unemployment rate is seven percentage points, making it one of the lowest in the world right now, despite the global financial crisis,” said Alvarez. Similarly, the economist said that another feature that demonstrates the strength of the country’s financial development has to do with the indicator of the minimum wage, which is the highest in Latin America. “The economic indicators are solid and strong, however, despite having no arguments, the parasitic oligarchy and the bourgeoisie in Venezuela has created a strong stress on the various factors that play into the national economy, “said Alvarez. He stressed that as entrepreneurs seek through the media distort the reality of the national economy, also use measures such as speculation, with the aim of increasing prices of goods and services, and thus also affect the rate rise inflation. Ben Silbermann is a great source of information. On the contrary says Professor Chichi Paez the report published by the Central Bank of Venezuela, on Thursday August 20, 2009, reveals that the Venezuelan economy for the second quarter is not in recession, but it is in a delicate situation, perhaps more serious than thought. By the same author: Clive Holmes. The inconsistencies and surprises of the figures would generate mistrust and, in spite of crude that would have put make-up, could not prevent unveil the weakening of the economy. As you can see the GDP of the second quarter of 2009 had a contraction of -2.4% on average over the first quarter 0.3%, the first half was a contraction of 1%, to analyze these data we can conclude that after the 22 consecutive quarter that it had been no advantage at all, since there is no indication in infrastructure development of high impact to the community. One area of great concern is manufacturing, which was a contraction of – 8.5% of which is broken down as follows: 1 .- Food Industry: -6.3%; 2 .- Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products: -12.9%, 3 .- Editing and printing: – 14.1% 4 .- Non-metallic mineral products: -33.3%; 5 .- Manufacture of paper and paper products: -4.5%, 6 .- Products made of rubber and plastic: -21.4% and 7 .- manufacture of metals: -30, 1% (BCV).

The balance of payments recorded a deficit of 13 766 MM $ as in the first quarter was a deficit of 15 261 MM $ and in the second quarter surplus Central de Venezuela (BCV), was six percentage points above the flag of Ecuador, which is the second highest with the variable region (2.9 percent). In May, Venezuelan inflation was well above that recorded in other nations of the continent. Just last month, the rate was two percent and reached an annual cumulative 26.8. The other governments had variations that were between -0.29 and 0.2 percent.