Wolfgang Bonisch Published Be Book Workshop For Negotiating Art

The negotiation expert Wolfgang Bonisch published his first book of the workshop proceedings art. Hamburg – it started with a post on Twitter on May 1, 2009: “crazy? I will write a book – from zero to levy late May. Printed mid-June – issue negotiation”. So that Wolfgang had taken Bonisch in duty, finally to write the long planned book. And with a tight time frame.

From a planned size of approximately 80 cheap jerseys china pages in the format 17 x 13 cm, was a book containing 142 pages in the format 23 x 16 cm. On the 15.06.09, Wolfgang could report via Twitter full Bonisch. The manuscript was finished. A visit to the Publisher, the author had chosen now, made some adjustments to the format. The editing and cheap football jerseys editing took time, came in between the holidays and even the book fair in Frankfurt. But now it’s time. The book is available in the trade with the ISBN 978-3-86858-355-7 Документальные for the price of 15.97. Or as an e-book for download on the page of the Publisher at the address.

The book is already the second product, the the Negotiating experts released this year. In the summer, nfl jerseys cheap his audio seminar was completed “just successfully negotiate” and is distributed online. The workshop of art of negotiation was founded in 2008 by negotiation expert Wolfgang Bonisch. It is now the main business field of W & H cheap authentic jordans Bacolod GmbH, which provides training, coaching and lectures on communication, sales, leadership and personal development since 2001. Business leaders are Heike & Wolfgang Bacolod, which also act as “The TrainerPaar” together. Wolfgang Badan W nfl jerseys shop & H Bacolod GmbH, workshop for negotiation art, Hoheluftchaussee 167, 2025 Hamburg, Tel. 040 / 42913008