
The commitment does not have to recently vary Serafn Alarcn time that retires of my secular work to spend complete time to me to the ministry. After so many years enslaved of an itinerary, a ponchador and a head hoping to me a structured life scared entering less to me perhaps. Now he is different, is a head or no a ponchador, but this God I cannot stop honoring it, is what I always say when I face the day. To honor each one of the blessings that it has given me and to sovereign take advantage of the time by me to being administered. I know that in this stage of my life I must serve other people in forms in which it could not when it worked full-time for the world. I know, and I am allows that only that is the call.

If I leave my being is abra to the direction of God, I discover so many and so many forms to serve, to help and to contribute to a society every more devoid day of brotherly love and peace and I say, cannot have major blessing a human being who to do, that to live realising what in truth it likes. It always wishes to write and that I do almost on a daily basis, always it wishes of some form to express some ideas and feelings through art and with the tablitas that urgency is totally satisfied. To preach, to communicate good the new ones and even for recording the preaching are a new facet that nor even imagined to me. And finally, to take the tablitas to the street, to take them to so many communities that I have walked and the passion that profit to experiment does not have comparison. The best thing is than they are tasks in which I am interested, of speaking to a prisoner and to write in several forums of the Web gives a perspective him to the unsuspected ministry. My wife and I began to be united even more because the experience is of all the family, that way begins the effectiveness of the ministry.

The cults, the children, the devotional ones in house, the Biblical study, have not made another thing that to add blessing to our home. Every day we discovered new forms and ways practical to live the Christian faith and to share the gospel from a Christ-centric perspective. A free life of religious eagerness, frees of painting and overturns, you you understand to me I have included/understood that only by the light of God, I can walk towards my future unknown with faith and hope. I trust that It will continue guiding me by all the paths that I needed to walk. I know that the commitment now is greater, I know than I need to be responsible and precise like when was used by the man. If, the commitment does not have to vary. Tablitas of Mr. Ver: Yahoo videos-Tablitas of Mr. original Autor and source of the article.