Golden Triangle

It is hard to know exactly what was the desired outcome of the Bush Senior administration. In other countries, the underlying relationship between drugs and conflict is established for very different reasons. Illicit drug profits have funded armed conflict and terrorism around the world. In addition, drug trafficking has taken misery to the lives of millions of people. Undermined the rule of law in developed and developing countries and subversive operations and peace agreements in several regions. During the Cold War, the insurgent groups are based on the state sponsors to finance its operations. With the fall of communism, groups of more and more funding depends on the profits of its operations with drug trafficking. Cross-border trade has become even religious extremists who have overcome their historic aversion to drug trafficking.

Terrorist groups, in particular, are drug trafficking as a way of improving the low income of the sponsors, state prosecutors, charities, front companies and banks that had their assets frozen or seized at the national conventions international and internationally. Some Islamic leaders have gone so far as to issue fatwas or decrees to decriminalize drug distribution to non-Muslims. These religious leaders have been illegal drugs as a destructive weapon that can be used against Western society. Organized crime, terrorism and conflict have a tendency to the intersection of major drug-producing regions of the world: the Andean region of South America (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia), gold Cescente (Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran), and Golden Triangle (Burma, Laos and Thailand). Organized crime, corruption and violence are deeply rooted in these areas and medicines exported from these states threaten the national security.